
  • Train researchers and generate knowledge from an interdisciplinary perspective of regional development, with the main thread formal (school) and informal (non-school) training in its various contexts;
  • Enable the graduate the conditions to develop studies that demonstrate the mastery of conceptual and methodological instruments essential in the area of Management and Regional Development, qualifying him to teaching at a higher level and research, through research and teaching;
  • Train researchers able to be guided in their theoretical practice and intervention, by the broader perspective of the construction and reconstruction of public and private spaces;
  • Promote dialogue and permanent exchange with Graduate Programs and national and international research teams, with particular emphasis on Latin America;
  • Encourage actions that foster exchanges with national and international institutions linked to the production of knowledge and action projects, as well as integration with entities and sectors of the community, in order to contribute to the improvement of Regional Management and Development.

Grupo Unis


"Formar pessoas socialmente responsáveis, nas diferentes áreas do conhecimento, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento das regiões em que atua".


"Até 2023, ser um grupo educacional empreendedor que, mediante práticas inovadoras e tecnológicas capazes de assegurar educação de qualidade, se destaca por oportunizar experiências internacionais à sua gente, visando prepará-la para uma nova economia."

Valores Institucionais

I. Prestabilidade - habilidade de entender os problemas e dificuldades dos outros e responder de forma positiva.
II. Excelência - capacidade de atingir a eficácia (resultados) através da melhor eficiência (processo) gerando a qualidade expectada.
III. Inovação - capacidade de implementar novas soluções que melhorem a excelência institucional.


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